Stop Press!

If any of you who read this blog know anyone getting a puppy – please, please tell them NOT to come home with two. First rule of dog ownership, you can only train one puppy at a time. Two dogs from the same litter is not a good idea, however cute. Second rule, research the breeds before you chose your dog and pick a breed that suits your ilfestyle – not one you fall in love with. Fell runner? Yes, get a collie – couch potato or workaholic? DONT! I met  a lovely young couple today with two 18 month collie brothers. They have worked tremendously hard to make it work, but we will be rehoming one for the good of all concerned, especially the dogs.

31 March 2011

A full week of consultation this week and plenty to do at the Rescue Centre. Looking forward to offering a new service for dog aggressive dogs soon and hope to start a course of socialisation walks in August. As you will see from the photo, our latest arrival Red – (see meet the family page) is doing well in her training.

2 April

Went to Plymouth to meet Alfie today, a cockapoo puppy who is proving something of a challenge for his human pack! Alfie was well on the way to ruling the roost whilst his caring responsible family wondered what on earth they had done to deserve him. The tables are now hopefully turning on Alfie, who is by the way a fabulous pup but highly intelligent and confident – always a challenge. With a lot of moral support from this end Alfie will now learn that biting the hand that feeds him is totally unacceptable and training will begin in earnest.

3 April

Saw Shaun today, a collie from the rescue centre. He went home three months ago with a lovely family who accepted his inability to mix with other dogs. we started working with him today, teaching him the social skills he never learnt as a pup. This is a particularly difficult issue to deal with but Shaun did really well – a good start.